Friday, March 26, 2010

'luluh hati'

salam for readers...
nowdays xtaw la np hati ak jd sgt2 sensitive...i wonder why...ble ade sad thngs happened ke,bile tgk sumthng yg memilukn ke,bile bace sad pharse ke,dga lgu sdh ke,bile t'igt sumthng ke...gerenti mata ak da bkaca-kaca tggl nk retak je...kdng2 tu xsempat nk bkaca trus t'burai..huuu...mybe org tgk luaran i seems like org happy je..dlm sp taw kn..knp ak jd selemah ni...ya Allah,berilah ayu kekuatan utk menempuh segala rintangan dan dugaan thng yg ak sdhkn lg skng ni is xdpt follow ibu n others blk kg..hoooo...mmg la kg tu xde ble ibu pegi,mstila ak nk lg 1 yg ak kne ubah which is xleh asyik nk depends kt ibu je...mne bole smpi tua nk ngn ibu je...but the facts is blom bole lg...bile la ak nk jd sekental along??even alg xla kental sgt tp bg ak ak die sgt kuat sbb die bole hidup kt sne sorg2..klu ak la..mmg xleh nk smpi ble??tu still jd question mark utk ak..ok cite psl blk kg td,mmg igt nk wt cm kak aja yg bole blk klantan smggu ikut suke hati die mslhnye, date yg ak nk blk kg tu end of novmber for raye haji..n for all u know, final exm dlm 29th nov...AND its my final sem for my diploma..rse nye bole ke redah je nk holiday??mmg la actly xbole tp ak kne tggl smggu kot..huuu...xske!!tp ape yg bole ak buat is none!!xde ape yg dpt ak raye ngn mira la kt srmbn nmpk nye!tp yg penting,ayh kne ganti flight ticket alng dgn bende lain!!mne aci org lain sume dpt alng story is currently missing sumone yg da lme x jmpe..*kak aja,this is d thng i mentioned b4* sumone is a friend of mine mse secondary school dlu..nth knp rndu plak kt biarlah rndu tu pergi dibawa angin mcm cite *kpd angin aku bpesan* plak..=)
ok..enough for now..gtg..bye readers..

P/S: ade org xsengaja ckp 143 kt ayu arini ^-^ *its a joke tp ak tekejut!* nk girangkn hati

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